439 km


Selishche (1495) – Court village (1654) – County town (1776) – Partisan Base (1941-1943) – City
Valday land is considered to be a special place of peace, sanctity, and solitude. After a walk around the city, you can go on a water trip to the Islands of lake Valday and visit the picturesque monastery complex.
The island with the Iversky monastery
The legend tells that a blacksmith lived by the lake whose name was Valda and who was so handsome that he captivated with his charm all living beings around. After his death this place was named after him.

Refectory of Iversky

Railway station

445 km

Stanki Hamlet

The Stanki hamlet is located on the lake shore opposite the Valday city. Here begins the bicycle route that passes through abandoned hamlets, picturesque fields and lakes.
453 km

Derganickha hamlet

This abandoned hamlet is on the lake Eglino shore. Lonely wood houses tell us about the native Russian lifestyle. Here you can stop and go fishing.
Just a few people live now in Usiha. We advise you to stop and have a snack at Baba Valya's, house N 8. In a nearby village from Stanki on the shore there is president V. Putin's and his inner circle's residence. The territory is closed

Usiha Hamlet

458 km
469 km

Lamerie village

The beautiful ruin is located in a small village. The Church of the Tikhvin icon of Mother of God was founded in 1913, but services were not held very long. The last priest of the Church was Father Vasily Grigorievich Georgievsky, who was shot during the mass repressions of 1937. Then the route goes on to the neighboring village Fedosovichi.
472 km

Fedosovichi hamlet

Small coloured wooden houses are located on the shores of the quiet lake Chernoye. You can go to the bath-house (sauna) and spend a night in the tent camp or try to negotiate with friendly local dwellers about an overnight stay.
477 km

Lokotsko hamlet

If you are tired of peace and quiet, missed reading a book, then here you can have an interesting leisure time: come into the library, go to a disco at the local club, or eat shish kebab at uncle Vanya's.
497 km

Ruchy village

The village Ruchy is a former rich German colony that arose at the beginning of the XIX century on the road from St. Petersburg to Murino, in the Soviet years it was a large state farm. The ruins of two Orthodox churches are preserved in the village that are worth looking at to appreciate the scale of their former greatness. After a long day on the bike you can stay here for overnight in the guest house of the Pokrovskaya Church.
Church in the name of the Apostle and Evangelist John Theologian
Nearby railway stations: Valday, Krestsy
112 - Emergency telephone number
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