About the project

About the project

In the 747 km Project our team has challenged our own perception of ecology as a whole.

We have developed it as a discourse of caring and respectful attitude towards nearly everything that surrounds us. Starting from our families, local communities and natural surroundings, we could gradually train ourselves to truly care about global challenges, such as the climate change. This bottom-up approach is a key to our image of sustainable future.
The 747 km Project is a contemporary pilgrimage dedicated to the local eco-system of nature, community and the tradition of travelling that is more a journey than a transportation. To support travellers our team has designed a guidebook both in digital and paper edition.

Learning about the development of museum from the collections of colonial misappropriation to the nowadays open source platforms for knowledge, we couldn't ignore its core principal that is still there: collecting and exposing. We aim to rethink museum as the institution based on power of a viewer upon an object of collection.

With these in mind, we have developed our key values for the image of the new museum typology:

the objects should not be withdrawn from their local environment
the viewer should have careful attitude to the eco-systems, from biological to cultural ones
the experience is not an exhibition, but a journey, stretched out in time and space

The 747 km Project is a synthesis of 3 components

First, there is a travelling path between two major Russian cities: Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. In nowadays Russia the urbanisation is brutal – big cities grow fast and the amount of abandoned settlements between them grow even faster. The path designed to emphasis on the tourist potential of the hinterlands and to support thinning out communities.
According to the concept of slow tourism, the path includes tracking, boating and cycling to immerse into the environment and also to reduce carbon footprint.
Second, there is a network of inhabited and desolated areas, natural and man-made attractions and numerous local initiatives along the path that could be joined up to provide infrastructure.
Third, there is a chain of multifunctional areas designed and placed in specific territories of the path to reinforce the network, provide additional attraction to the travellers as long as to serve the needs of local communities. All of these areas have various types of exhibition spaces suited to different types of contemporary arts, from microscopic mycelium studies to large-scaled land art. Here is the list of these areas: House of Algorithm Art, Retreat for Contemplation, Light Foundation, Sound Park, Healing Workshop, Non-Bridge Landmark, Art Gallery, Domestic Magic Area, Frozen Time Memorial, Water Studies Centre, Cave Showroom.
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