383 km

Berezki village

There were traces of campsites in this village dating back to Neolithic times.
The academician B. S. Sokolov, a geologist and paleontologist, worked here. In the hunting Lodge we can make a stop. The famous hoaxer Antonin Arcad'evich Ramenskiy (1913-1985) was born in Berezki.
Lake Imolozhie
398 km


It is the town of railway workers. A hospital for railway staff and railway technical school were opened one of the first in Russia. It was not without reason. Bologoe is located about half way of the railway road from Saint Petersburg to Moscow, and today it is one of the few stops of Sapsan high-speed train.

What to see?

It is worth getting to Bologoye is by bike as it will save time. However, if you prefer enjoying camp songs on the lake shore Beloye you can go on foot.
Trinity Church
Fan depot

Railway station

406 km

Dubrovka hamlet

Dubrovka in the XIX-XX centuries became the center of attraction for such artists as: M. V. Nesterov, A. M. Vasnetsov, I. I. Brodsky. Relax and have dinner in a cafe in the neighboring village of Berezayka.
412 km

Alyoshinka— a hamlet at the station

The small hamlet has been developed at the railway station. The dwellers meet travelers with warm welcome: you can eat here, stay for a night and go to the bathhouse.

Art Gallery

Classical art and modern art. Isn't the difference between them obvious? On the other hand, whether is it possible at all to compare them?
The tourists will have such opportunity in the Art Gallery. The Permanent part of the exposition dedicated to the art of XIX-XX centuries is displayed in the manor of architect A. S. Khrenov. The mansion was built by his own design. Its peculiar feature is a complete asymmetry and combination of natural and artificial materials. In Soviet times there was a sanatorium here.
The interiors and everyday life of the XIX century have
been restoring in the mansion, and the exposition space expands due to the new Gallery building which volume is completely sunk in terrain. It was caused by the need to preserve the atmosphere and the charm of the territory, and at the same time supply the complex with necessary infrastructure, which would form a harmonious context.
Witch's Hut
Water tower
Food court
Information Desk
Parish Church
Stableman's House
Museum of Modern Art
Guest houses by the lake
A. S. Khrenov's estate
The Minimalistic architecture of the Gallery contrasts with the mansion of Art Nouveau era.
Judd’s sculptures convey the relationship between the external world and the Museum’s spaces.
432 km

Ostriye kletki hamlet

Families with children often come here, some of them choose to settle down and buy their own dachas. No one is indifferent seeing the magnificent view of the lake Michniewski. You can ask for an invitation to come in: despite the name of the hamlet (Sharp Cages) people here are very friendly. The road to Valdai goes through the village Shuya, where you can have lunch.
Nearby railway stations: Povchino, Bochanovka, Bologoe, Berezaika, Alyoshinka, Lykoshino, Valday
112 - Emergency telephone number
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