89 km

Gavrilkovo village

View of the village Gavrilkovo. It is famous for its scenery and nature; a new retreat complex has been built here recently.

Retreat for contemplation

Clean air.
The Zavidovo national Park is located on the border of the densely populated Moscow region and the sparsely populated Tver region, known for its rich flora and fauna. Here, far from big cities, in complete isolation from the modern pace of life, there is a complex with a telling name – Retreat for contemplation.
Guest house
Food court
Boutique hotel
Ticket offices
Guest house
Food court
Food court
Angler's House
Information Desk
Food Shop
Medical Center
The complex is located on both banks of a small bay and includes a restored ancient settlement and the retreat building. The boutique hotel on the second floor is created for complete immersion in a meditative state. Its cylindrical shape allows each visitor to choose a room with the view to their liking.
As time passes the thoughts are cleared and the problems step back.
Being surrounded by nature a person recovers faster after stress. Fresh air and lack of city noise could restore a person's ability to concentrate.
Contrast between modern volumes and the restored structure of ancient settlement gives an opportunity to observe contemporary reality against the background of natural landscape, and the Central Russian architectural landscape inside the modern architecture.

94 km

Novozavidovsky village

Novozavidovsky consists of 5 villages, it is worth visiting to see the temple complex - the cultural center of the upper Volga region, which is considered to be the business card of the Tver region. Besides, there are four more museums on its territory: History Museum of Zavidovo village and the Temple complex, Museum of folk crafts, Museum "Yamschitskaya izba (coachman's house)" and the Museum "Gosudareva doroga (Tsar's road)" which was opened in 2017. You can stay in the nearby hotel complex Zavidovo.

Settlement (1856)

Zavidovo railway station
stop DRP, buses 2,141

109 km

Radchenko village

Buildings in the Radchenko village surrounded by a pine forest are located close to the Volga. It is difficult to imagine that both the woodland and river as a picturesque resort place are not created by nature but they are made by people who created a pastoral landscape on the site of a swampy peat bog.
The Gorodnya village has got rich history: destruction by Ivan the Terrible, the Polish invasion, a transshipment point for travelling emperors and dignitaries, German occupation. In the famous book by A.Radishchev.

Gorodnya village

113 km
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, XIV century
"Journey from Petersburg to Moscow" an entire Chapter "Gorodnya" is devoted to the village.
118 km

The manor "Budimir"

The manor "Budimir" is on a beautiful bank of the Volga. The most interesting thing here is exploring the local wildlife - spotted deer, Circassian goats and red deer. Here you can stay for a night and then set off to Tver by boat or on foot.
Nearby railway stations: Zavidovo, Megevo
112 - Emergency telephone number
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